Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Strawberry Tells

Strawberry Tells

The strawberry hung on his vine and felt the warm sunshine heat him all over. The day was going to be beautiful and he did not want to miss a minute of it. However, Izzadora, the woman who had planted him had other ideas. She came into the garden in the early morning just as the berry was getting settled in for a day of sunbathing and cut him right off his vine and placed him into a honey colored woven basket, which felt odd compared to hanging all his life but was not all together bad feeling. He lay there as his other berry family members were picked and washed and cared for. He liked the feel of water but being washed felt quit different than being sprinkled upon by spring raindrops. The strawberry wondered greatly where the gardener was taking him but did not think the woman would understand his question so he kept silent as they drove in Izzadora’s silver VW... Read More Here

Place Setting

Place Setting: How'd we get to the cave when we were in the desert?

I love reading novels to see how each author creates a sense of place, sometimes a whole new world. It can surprise me at times how little it may take to get the reader into the location or setting of the story. Sometimes, however it takes ever so much thoughtful wording to get an entire new world to feel real and full of life. 
When you think of your favorite novels how do those authors write about space and setting?

Look around your home or yard and try to write out how you'd describe it in a book. What is the essence of the place, the feeling of being there?
Try reading the description out load and hear how it sounds. Focus on the tone of the place and then you can begin to add in details.

The sun hit the big red wood paneling harshly. As though the place should catch fire at any moment. 
Red wood panels, long passed their prime, stood out from the bright landscape of yellow fields and stray chickens on the hunt for worms.