Write what you know
Did you grow up traveling the world with army parents? Live in the big city as a little kid? Scuff cow poop till the rooster passed out? Well use it and don’t lose it. Those early experiences help shape the writer you become and can give you unique and wonderful tales to tell your readers.
Start off by writing out three interesting tidbits from your young days. Look at them and see if one of those could be the foundation to a neat story.
Take the memory of those interesting days and fill in details of setting and even add a few characters based on those around you. See where the idea takes you, even if it's in a different direction than you thought you'd go. The germ of a good idea may grow into something competently different.
Even if you have been writing for quite some time going back to your roots and rediscovering untold stories is exciting and helps you grow as a writer. As you go over the stories and decide which ones will be best for your readers think about how you might share the first story, give it away to your Social Media pals, tweet the first line and link to a copy of the story on your facebook page. These short pieces can be a really great way to get people reading your work and interested in reading bigger projects.
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